
Psychotherapy is a transformative tool that enables us to discover and overcome the limitations that prevent us from living the lives that we are destine to live, the lives that are are most gratifying to us (both personally and professionally). Recognizing the symptoms that are causing us to struggle is the first step toward regaining control of our lives, achieving equilibrium, and achieving prosperity. We have the ability to free ourselves from these limitations and discover who we truly are if we receive the necessary help.

"Move from surviving to thriving."

Therapeutic Style

At Zona Rose Healing Arts, we are dedicated to preserving the dignity of all creation and honoring the rights of every individual. Positive psychology serves as the guiding principle behind our client-centered and eclectic approach, which is aimed to assist you in achieving increased well-being of your own.

We strive to awaken the inner therapist that is within each individual.

We offer a range of-basic techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), DBT, EMDR, and The Flash Technique as well as VA-recommended treatments for PTSD.

Our Shadow Work (CG Jung) approach explores programs from cultural, family, and traumatic experiences that run our lives and limit our potential.​

We promote diet, exercise, massage, cranio-sacral therapy, breath work, meditation, prayer, and other natural approaches to health and wellness


It is possible that Adjustment Disorder is one of the most significant diagnosis in the area of psychology. Individuals currently considering the process of entering treatment are faced with the problem of obtaining an understanding of who and what they are, trying to relate to a changing, chaotic world. The problem of adjustment in today's world is challenging. It is a complex problem involving our behaviors, thoughts and emotions.

The role of a therapist is not to change a person; rather, it is to aid the individual in coming to terms with their circumstances and learning how to thrive within their own personality, capabilities, and gifts. This is the primary objective of the therapist.

We are all surrounded by the zeitgeist, the spirit of the times. Psychotherapy will assist in gaining the capacity to adapt to the zeitgeist and thrive.


"Anger is a natural emotion that can be used constructively or destructively. When we let our anger out without control, we may cause harm to ourselves and others. However, if we learn to acknowledge the lesson anger is trying to teach us, we can grow and become better versions ourselves. Anger can be a powerful tool for self-awareness and personal growth."


Anxiety is a common experience in today's world, often stemming from our attachments to what we have and know, and fear of the unknown future. However, by embracing the present moment and practicing acceptance, we can alleviate our anxiety and find peace in the here and now.

"Trauma can be a painful experience that disrupts every aspect of our life. However, it's important to recognize that growth and healing are possible through Post Traumatic Growth. Although the memories and emotions may never fully disappear, we can find strength in our journey towards healing and emerge even stronger before. By sharing our experiences and supporting others, we can help our self and others find the way towards a brighter future."

Depression is a common struggle that many people face, often rooted in past experiences. However, it's important to remember that we don't have to carry the baggage of yesterday into today's struggles. As one client put it, "Things happened, they sucked, they are over." Let's focus on moving forward and finding ways to overcome depression.



Relationships are an essential part of our lives, but they can also be and cause us to suffer. Whether it's with our life partners, parents, friends, or co-workers, it's important to grow these relationships and work towards creating more joy and happiness in our relationships. With the right tools and mindset, we can overcome these challenges and build stronger, healthier connections with those around us.


"Physical pain can have different origins, such as exercise, injury, or even memories in our brain. Chronic pain, which affects many people, can be primary or secondary. Primary pain has no observable source and is related to brain sensitization. Fortunately, research has shown that the brain can be reprogrammed to reduce or eliminate pain. Let's explore some ways to achieve this."

Discovering our purpose in life and understanding our true identity are universal concerns that many of us share. As we grow and evolve, it's natural to want to break free from the limitations of our childhood programming and embrace our authentic selves. With the right mindset and tools, we can unlock our full potential and live a fulfilling life that aligns with our true values and passions.

Self-actualization is a process of becoming the best version of yourself. It is a journey that requires you to listen to your inner wisdom and live a life of truth. While there is no script for achieving self-actualization, we can provide you with information to help you get started and make the process feel less daunting.

Life is a journey full of twists and turns. We encounter events that shape our lives, from educational pursuits to personal relationships, and from health issues to traumatic experiences. While these changes can be challenging, they also present new opportunities for growth and development. By learning to navigate life's changes, we can embrace new beginnings and create a brighter future for ourselves.

It is widely accepted that personality develops through eight stages of psycho-social development, as proposed by Erik Erikson. The first six stages occur in the first 30 years of life, while the remaining two stages occur later in life. Robert Butler expanded on this theory, identifying several stages and life events that occur beyond the age of 30. Understanding these developmental opportunities can help individuals live a fulfilling life beyond the age of 60.


Finding Purpose and Identity

Self Actualization

Life Transitions



Addiction is a chronic condition that can affect many aspects of your life, including your physical and mental health, relationships and career. There are two main forms of addiction: substance use disorders and behavioral addictions. Addictions are treatable, with the caveat: 'Be ready to leave your addiction behind.'

"Try not. There is do or do not; there is no Try." (Quote from Yoda)


Outcomes of Psychotherapy

  • Psychotherapy is an amazing tool that can help you transform your life!

  • You'll gain a deeper understanding of what drives your behavior.

  • You will learn how to manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

  • By integrating trauma into your life through 'post traumatic growth,' you can experience a better quality of life.

  • You will be able to find peace joy, and happiness even in the midst of chaos.

  • And, so much more. There is no limit to our growth.

  • Get ready to take your life to the next level!